Spiritual and Psychic Readings
by Medium and Psychic Paul Wayman

I am a Spiritual and Psychic Medium living in Brandon, Suffolk. I have over 20 years experience of helping people reconnect with loved ones who have passed over into spirit, always a special and emotional experience. I also provide psychic readings, giving valuable insights and guidance into your life, both in the present and also going forward. I use a variety of methods including tarot etc, to give these insights. To find out more click on Readings, above.
I always work with compassion and honesty, and always for your benefit. My aim is that, following your reading, you leave feeling better about yourself and what is happening around you, and also comforted and having a clearer perspective on your life and those you love, whether here on the Earth plane, or in spirit. I dislike unnecessary drama.
My other main interest and service is Spiritual Training and Development either with groups or ‘one to one’.
Price list
Readings – £45
Psychic Parties – £45 per head for a full reading or £25 per head for 30 mins
Development Tuition – £30